Which Facial Areas Can Benefit Most from Dermal Filler Treatments?

By: Taren Jarvis, RN


Injectable dermal fillers can be used to make stunning, natural-looking enhancements almost anywhere — helping men and women boost their curves and contours. Perhaps the most popular treatment area for fillers is the face, however — and with the many types of versatile dermal fillers available today, patients have more options than ever for enhancing their natural facial features. At The Skin Lab, registered nurse and aesthetic injector Taren Jarvis offers an exciting collection of advanced dermal filler products to address the unique and diverse needs and goals of our Owensboro, KY patients. Take a closer look here at some of the most common treatment areas for facial filler injections, and discover how dermal fillers can help transform your look and boost your self-esteem in just minutes.

What are dermal fillers?

Often referred to simply as "fillers," injectable fillers — or dermal fillers — are cosmetic injections that can be used to address a wide variety of age-related concerns, as well as to enhance naturally thin features, asymmetry, and more. When injected into the target area, fillers almost instantly add volume, giving patients immediate results that look and feel remarkably natural.

Where can facial fillers be used?

Because there are many types of fillers available, each of which is specially designed and formulated to address a unique set of concerns, almost any area of the face can be considered for facial filler treatment. From smoothing out static lines and wrinkles to plumping up a deflated pout, facial filler injections are more versatile than ever. Some of the most popular treatment areas for fillers in the face include:

  • Under the eyes
  • Cheeks
  • Mid-face
  • Lips

How long do fillers last in the face?

The longevity of facial fillers will vary from case to case based on a number of factors, including which filler product was used, the area(s) being treated, how quickly the patient's body naturally breaks down the filler product, and others. For many patients, facial fillers can provide results that last for up to a year or longer. At the time of your treatment, Taren will discuss in greater detail what results you can expect with your facial fillers — including how long your fillers may last — based on these unique factors.

Can you get fillers and wrinkle relaxers at the same time?

Yes. In fact, some of the most complete, natural-looking, and harmonious transformations are often achieved with a combination of injectable wrinkle relaxers and fillers used simultaneously. This is largely due to the fact that each class of cosmetic injectables is designed to target a different collection of concerns. While dermal fillers are primarily used to restore lost volume and augment flat features, wrinkle relaxers address dynamic lines and wrinkles — meaning those caused by facial expressions and muscle movements — to create a smoother, more youthful appearance. At The Skin Lab, we are proud to offer the liquid facelift — a nonsurgical facial rejuvenation treatment that utilizes a customizable combination of dermal fillers plus wrinkle relaxers to help you achieve a beautiful, natural, younger look you can feel confident about.

Give your face a fresh new look with injectable dermal fillers in Owensboro, KY

From the circles under your eyes to the lines around your nose and almost anywhere else you've noticed volume loss or flatness that leaves your face looking lifeless, dermal filler injections can help give you the boost you've been searching for. Discover more about the versatility of dermal fillers for facial enhancement by calling The Skin Lab to schedule your consultation with nurse practitioner and Owensboro, KY aesthetic injector Taren Jarvis today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.